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Monday, October 4, 2010

SenSor TecHnolOgI

Salam..ari ni ku ingin kongsi serba sdikit ilmu yg ak tau (x la byk sgt ilmu ku ni)..ari ni ku ingin kongsi ilmu ttg SENSOR TECHNOLOGY..yg sbnrnye ilmu yg ku ingin kongsikn ni ialah assignmt ku yg disuruh oleh TTO (Technical Training Officer) klas sensor ku ..hehehe..ala korg msti tau la psl sensor ni..sbb penggunaan sensor pd abad ni smakin meluas..byk kehidupan kita ni yg related dgn sensor..

Assgnmnt yg ku wt ttg sensor ni ialah mengenai pnggunaan sensor di lot parkir kereta...haa..idea ni 'tercipta' apabila ku brjln2 di Bukit Bintang brsama kwnku pd sabtu baru2 ni..lot parkir kereta di sebuah shopping kompleks di BB tlah mmbuatkn ku 'kagum' dan ingin mengkaji sensor ap yg diorg gunakan?, bagaimana sensor tu beroperasi?..setelah ku kaji..search dlm internet dgn kwnku (ajim otai)..tgk balik handout2 sensor..akhirnye kami brjaya menyiapkn assignmnt ni..Alhamdulillah assgnmnt tu baru je anta td..fuhhhh!~

ni la die isi2 kndungan nyer (dlm english version..sori la kalo ad grammar yg 'hancur lebur', x reti sgt bhase org putih ni..hahaha..)


Sensor is an electrical device that can detect the presence of physical and chemical quantities and the measurable output as an electrical signal. The electrical signal from sensor is an input for the controller. Is use to monitor a process or result of the process (its status). Nowadays, sensor is commonly used in our daily life activities. Sensor is largely used in industrial plantation, electronics appliances and many more.
Today, car parking lot has used sensor for giving a convenient and easy to the drivers for parking their car. The sensor can detect the presence of car and produce the output electrical signal to the indicator lamp.

  • indicator lamp

  • sensor
  • rooftop of car (material)

Figure 1: Car parking lot


The type of sensor used in car parking lot is optical sensor. Optical sensor is a device that converts light rays into electronic signals. Similar to a photoresistor, it measures the physical quantity of light and translates it into a form read by the instrument. Usually, the optical sensor is part of a larger system integrating a measuring device, a source of light and the sensor itself. This is generally connected to an electrical trigger, which reacts to a change in the signal within the light sensor.
One of the features of an optical sensor is its ability to measure the changes from one or more light beams. This change is most often based around alterations to the intensity of the light. When a phase change occurs, the light sensor acts as a photoelectric trigger, either increasing or decreasing the electrical output, depending on the type of sensor.
Optical sensors can work either on the single point method or through a distribution of points. With the single point method, a sole phase change is needed to activate the sensor. In terms of the distribution concept, the sensor is reactive along a long series of sensors or single fiber-optic array.
Other features of optical sensors include the distinction of whether it is placed internally or externally in a device. External transducers register and transmit the necessary quantity of light. These are known as extrinsic sensors. Intrinsic sensors are those that are embedded within an optical fiber or device. These are generally used to measure smaller changes such as a bend or slight change in direction.

The major importance to the proper use of an optical sensor is that it retains certain facets of measured properties. It must always remain sensitive to the property. To the same point, it must be insensitive to any other property. In addition, it cannot influence what measurement is normally being made. That is, it cannot alter the amount of light impacting the photoelectric property.
Optical sensors have a variety of uses. They can be found in everything from computers to motion detectors. For example, when the door to a completely darkened area such as the inside of a copy machine is opened, light impacts the sensor, causing an increase in electrical productivity. This will trigger an electric response and stop the machine for safety.

The advantages of optical sensor are:

  • Greater sensitivity
  • Electrical passiveness
  • Freedom from electromagnetic interference
  • Wide dynamic range
  • Both point and distributed configuration
  • Multiplexing capabilities

There are three main optical sensors:
  1. Through beam sensor
  2. Retro-reflective sensor
  3. Diffuse sensor

The sensor used in car parking lot is diffuse sensor. Diffuse sensor has transmitter and receiver at once. It also can detect the shiny object. It is suitable for using to detect the rooftop of the car because it is shinning material. It is also best when the background not present.


There are a few components that used in car parking lot sensor.

Figure 2: Diffuse sensor

Figure 3: Green indicator lamp (car parking lot is empty)

Figure 4:Red indicator lamp(car parking lot is full)

The car parking lot sensor operation when the diffuse sensor detect the presence of an object (rooftop of car), the diffuse sensor will sending the electrical signal to the indicator lamp. When the diffuse sensor detects the rooftop of the car, the red indicator lamp is appear and the driver will know that the car parking lot is full. Besides, when the diffuse sensor not detects the rooftop of the car, it showed that the car parking lot is empty. This can be easier for the driver for looking the empty car parking lot and it will not waste the driver’s time.

Figure 5: Operation of diffuse sensor

Figure 6: Operation of diffuse sensor

Diffuse sensor transmits the signal from transmitter to the object and the object reflects the signal to the receiver. Then the receiver triggers back the signal to the diffuse sensor. The diffuse sensor triggers the signal output to the indicator lamp.

p/s: ad gak la yg kami copy/paste dari internet..hehehe..tp kalo ad grammar salah mintak ampun la ek..hahaha

jd dgn ad nyer sensor ni..pemandu tdk perlu utk 'tawaf' satu lot parking level utk cri tmpt kosong..mereka just perlu tgk indicator lamp yg disediakn je..kalo merah dh full..kalo hijau kosong..hehehe..haa..tu la teknologi dpt memudhkn kite..setakat ni sj nukilan ku ari ni..harap2 ilmu ni dpt memberi byk faedah kpd korg sume..


"kalo korg baca abis..ku mmg tabik spring kt korg..hehehe..thanks!!!"


  1. aku paling x suka baca blog bi..alangkah indah kalo ko trnslate bm blik bob..hahaha

  2. haha..ak copy paste je li..mls nk trnslate..

  3. by the way, di sunway piramid pon guna sistem ini.
